Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Blissful Calm Again


This Blissful Calm

Quietly Here & Nowhere

Apr 2, 2015

Living in Love beyond Beliefs


*Javier, Calm, Flickr

*For the Easter presentation for this year, you are invited to the presentation on March 31, 2015. Thanks.

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You have forgotten the One
who doesn't care about ownership,
who doesn't try to turn a profit
from every human exchange.

*The Essential Rumi. Trans. Coleman Barks

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The ego goes outside, seeking to pull, manipulate, or trick life to itself, seeking to control, to manage, to get a good or better exchange in its interactions with life. Ego, even in giving, tends to have a stronger motive of getting. Grace gives of Itself freely, naturally, without imposing Itself or pulling life to Itself - this is why Grace, also, is able to purely and readily receive. Recently, he has entered a peaceful sense of this - a calm, need-less sensation, walking among others without needing to draw them to himself, to measure gain or loss in interactions. Beautiful and silent joy, this calm being need-lessly and aim-lessly - being here, now, and with, and neither inside nor outside, and not feeling desire to make anything happen with anyone or anything. Even feeling pleasure or pain in this serenity - this is happening, he is observing, there but nowhere. Hopefully, for him, this is a movement of Soul intimating a new beginning in his life, for Newness keeps unfolding endings and beginnings. Even, today, he wishes not to say "I," just to be in this blissful calm, and thankful quietly.

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The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Photo, Angelito De Luz


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Blissful Calm Again

©Brian Wilcox 2024